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Kejriwal Arrest Draws US Germany Attention India Objects

Posted by Admin3

Arvind Kejriwal

Pune: EVEN as Arvind Kejriwal, the Chief Minister of Delhi, has been denied interim relief by the Delhi High Court on Wednesday, the world seems to have turned its attention on the high-profile case. 

The US has said that it will be following the case closely. The German Foreign Ministry hoped that the "standards relating to the independence of the judiciary and basic democratic principles" would be applied in Kejriwal's case..

India has strongly objected to the remarks of US and Germany. India had summoned a senior diplomat of US and lodged a protest against the US remarks. Similary, India's Ministry of External Affairs had also summoned Germany's deputy chief of mission, Georg Enzweller, to lodge a protest against the remarks made by the German's Foreign Ministry.

Mr Kejriwal was arrested on March 21 in a case relating money laundering which was related to the excise policy scam. 

Meanwhile, in the Delhi high court which has refused to grant interim relief to Mr Kejriwal on Wednesday, his lawyer Abhishek Manu Sangvi, who is a senior and very well known advocate of Supreme Court and a Congress leader as well, made forceful arguments for securing bail. Mr Singhvi said Mr Kejriwal's arrested was done with an intention to cut him of from the role in politics, epspecially at a time when crucial elections are taking place. ''It violates the principle of level-playing field and the Basic Structure of the Constitution. If anything is done to make the level-playing field unevent, then you are impinging on the Basic Structure of the Constitution,'' Mr Singhvi argued.

Additional Solicitor General SV Raju, who argued on behalf of the Enforcement Directorate, opposed the bail plea of Mr Kejriwal. Mr Raju said he needed time to reply to both the main matter and application for interim relief sought by Mr Kejriwal.

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