GH Raisoni Student Akash Mastud Receives Technology Innovation Hub(TIH) DST Fellowship
Pune: GH Raisoni College of Engineering and Management’s B Tech Electrical Engineering student Aksah Mastud has received 2024-2025 granted Fellowship from IIT Bombay's TIH foundation. This fellowship provides him grant of Rs. 30,000/- per month for up to one year.
The esteemed fellowship recognizes his innovative project titled "Enhancing neonatal care through IoT-enabled NICU monitoring system" developed under the guidance of Dr. Asha Shendge. Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering Dept.
Dr. R. D. Kharadkar, Campus Director GHRCEM, Pune said, this grant will support Akash efforts to develop and implement a state-of-the-art monitoring system designed to enhance the safety and care of new-borns in NICUs.
Dr. V. M. Panchale, Head of the Electrical Department, and Dr. Swapnil Mahajan, Head of Innovation and Incubation, provided crucial support in the application process, facilitating Mr. Mastud's success in securing this prestigious fellowship.
Mr. Sunil Raisoni, Chairman, Raisoni Education, Mr. Shreysh Raisoni, Executive Director, Raisoni Education extend their heartfelt congratulations to student Aksah Mastud on his success.